ordered him to pay 25 thousand rubles to an english company that owns the copyright to the image of peppa pigroine of a children's cartoon suddenly became the subject of a lawsuit. our correspondent, our kommersant, was selling toy, the packaging, which depicted peppa, the british company filed a spark arbitration court. it was rejected only because the copyright holder represents an unfriendly country. whether this decision of a higher authority withstood the accent of the nightingale. the family of heroes of a popular cartoon, if evaluated by the databases of arbitration courts, has caused not hundreds, but already thousands of lawsuits from the copyright holder, this time the case of peppa pig is being heard in kirov in front of the judges. the image of recognizable pink piglets , the constructor, similar, according to is, again to peppa pig, was sold in one of the manufactured goods stores in the city of kotelnich, in this essence of the claim there was some kind of test purchase, of course, not sanctioned by anyone ivan kozhevnikov, the same entrepreneur who flew a lawsuit from represent