>> but peppe has just been told he will not be earning 15 days of good time.s been sanctioned for fighting. >> inmate peppe was down in a medium security housing unit in 121. the officer heard scuffling coming from back of the unit. as the officer approached, he looked into his cell and found that inmate peppe was breathing heavily, bending down. he was at the other end. inmate peppe alleges that he was just spoking at another inmate with his cane and the inmate attacked him. >> he knocked me out of my chair and knocked my glasses off my face and he said hit him. i did not hit this man. i'm 65 years old. my back hurts all the time. i'm not rugged anymore. i don't want to fight no more. i just want to enjoy the rest of my life. i'm a lover, not a fighter. >> because the fight allegedly took place inside a cell where there's no security camera coverage, jail officials cannot determine who started it. so both peppe and the other inmate have been sent to segregation, the 23-hour lockdown unit, for a period of five weeks. >> no one to play anything with, cards, che