one at pepperdine university that looked at fortune 500 companies, the companies that had more senior women executives make more money. there are a handful of those studies. we now control 85% of the consumer purchases. we are looking at a talent shortage. when did have more advanced degrees than men do. -- women have more advanced degrees than men do. all of this, including the new value of the female management style, which some people are saying is different, and perhaps, more valuable,, all of that adds up to a lot of powerful women in the workplace. >> what we are saying is that you can take that power, and not necessarily aim for the ceo or the corner office. most women are saying we are happy to trade some money for time. harvard did a study showing that professional women were leaving the work place in greater numbers than those joining. they were hitting that crunch moment of children as opposed to careers. you can take that power, go into your boss and say i do not want a big bonus. what i actually needed more time. >> you say that women are in demand. there is a supply, dem