peradvybarchyya stated one thing, but the reality is different.or the current situation, including the past, i take responsibility as president... i am deeply convinced that the belarusian people have everything necessary for a decent. leadership of belarus together with the crisis situation that has developed in our republic for the latest bastards. Мы ведаем, як невыносна цяжка жыццё простага народу, як глыбока пранікла ў наша жыццё сацыяльная несправядлівасць, які складаны шлях выхаду са склаўшагася становішча, але гэта не пужае ні мяне асабіста, ні маю маладую. team, we all the forces and are ready to work without delays, without losing strength for that, so that our people would live easier, so that our belarus would become a more colorful country. meeting amazing people immersion in their profession. my name is mikhail pasmurtsev, i am the head of the scientific department of the national park. the ecosystem is arranged in such a way that the violation of one of its components will inevitably lead to the fact that all the others will change.