syarod іх, peramozhtsy of the garad stage. that on this day we receive gratitude from all our patientscongratulations from all relatives, from all friends, from all acquaintances, and it’s just pleasant and it warms the soul that people see, that they understand, that i do, i am very pleased, it’s wonderful that we have such professional holidays when we can say a huge thank you to doctors for their work, for their work, for their everyday participation in our lives, because thanks to doctors we are born. thanks to the doctors, we are recovering, so, of course, today we must say a huge thank you to them, aim them at good work in the future, of course, do not relax, because they should always be with us and fight for our people were healthy, and not only to treat them, but to educate them. specialists at any level of the healthcare system, whether they are nurses, whether they are administrative and management staff, doctors, nurses, they are all one . the holy pakistani cause and the national library of belarus's exposition kicked off a marathon of activities on the occasion of pakista