. >>> san francisco has the lowest percap at that children to adult ratio of any city in america, and so essentially, they've given up on that hope, and we hope to bring more vitality within the younger ages. >> yeah, hope, hope, that's the word. >> yeah. >> hope is in. >>> and especially in the young -- young adult life, the challenge is that in order to continue existing or paying the rent, and eating, there's so much work that has to happen; and yet, you see ways to get into even the home, even to the life of this fast-paced world, /aoupbg -- even as young families, what are some of the things that you're hoping. >> we start with the holy mass, the liturgy. >>> the practical thing is we've got our doors open during business hours, on gary boulevard. >> there's parking in the back. >> there's parking in the back, and then, making the mass very beautiful will draw people from the movie theaters -- it's okay to watch movies. >> sure, but if we never do anything than what this world offers. >> other worldly. >> yeah. >> that's the feeling. >> so to make the church a sanctuary, a refuge