let me answer the question another sort of slightly indirect way that relates to percival's discovery i understood from talking to michelle: and from some of the documents i found that they wanted to remove that and the other for a long time but they were not quite sure how to do it. right? the curator or anybody, the architect of the capitol, starts removing art around the building and taking it out, you kind of open up a can of worms, right? you don't do that. so under what were they removed? 1958 is when they begin the renovation. the east portico was rebuilt. everything had to be removed, you know, for the dismantling to and the new columns put up. so they were temporarily removed into storage and the smithsonian and then accidentally on purpose, somebody forgot to put them up there. that gives you insight into various aspects. of havingsort official reasons that was built but unofficially what that meant was that having hordes of people wandering freely through the building where it has always been. steps,k up the front through the rotunda and you just walk around and look at the