we had turbo, smurfs 2, percy jackson. all these movies competing for the same family dollar when at that point, moms and dads are saying, kids go out and play--we already saw your movies this summer. > >is this too much animation though? as you said, back in the day if there was a pixar film coming out it was a big event. > >it was a thing. > >highly anticipated. is it still that way? > >pixar still is. even with the last 3 films which i think are below quality for pixar--- families are still going out to see them so obviously that's the one that people wanna go see. but at the same time-- family films are expensive. going to the movies is not cheap anymore especially when you factor in 3d prices, popcorn, soda, and candy. > >which we have to have. > >absolutely. and the kids are gonna want that too. so you can only go see so many. maybe one a month is a good opportunity for people to go. > >what is the best time to release an animated film, especially when there's an abundance of them? > >there are a few periods that if