with that perdue oxycontin family? >> i don't know themselves how much individual family members knew because they died over the past five or six years and one of their sons got very very ric rich. i don't know how much they did or did not know but what i do think you hear time and time again from quite conservative people including the elected mayor from these towns and cities that were devastated by the epidemic including the congressman from eastern kentucky that was very loud on this with those executives and drug companies once they were warned and they just kept going so there is a sense of corporations spending the past 15 years to buy their way out of accountability they pass my - - pay massive civil settlements without admitting liability. so basically this is the kind of thing that it won't happen again until the individuals making these decisions go to jail so now there is a lot of pressure building for that it'll be interesting to see where it goes especially a federal prosecutor trying to make his name i c