a lot of us are raised to be r pereffe pereffepe perfectionist. i call myself a recovered perfectionists. that is setting myself up for failure. it inhibits some women from having a voice or coming forward because they don't want to make any waves. >> what constitutes legally sexual harassment? >> it is really complicated. and i am not a lawyer and i don't want to give any legal advice but it is really unwanted suggestions or advancements. there is two kinds of sexual harassment. a hostile work environment or quid pro quo which means you are asked to fulfill some sort of obligation to keep your job or get a promotion. so, you know, i explained all of this in the book and consulted many experts who specialize in this 24/7 so that people will be able to get all the knowledge they need in reading the book. but it really comes down to being subjective and whether or not a woman or a man feels as if they are in an environment that doesn't feel comfortable for them in the workplace. i can't talk about my feelings extensively other than to say the most i