motives omnicom i don't doubt that all your love for nature and your parents desire to protect peregrine falcon although i don't think there's any way kabul as an enduring solution to taking control of your climate. i think it's bit disingenuous to say my book shouldn't count to your views do get. you've written a book which is probably going to be very influential out there. so we read on the hill when rulemakers, some republicans already are, talking, thinking about hey, this solar geoengineering might be the answer. spin let me try to answer your question about -- clive also raised some good ones. you know, if he did this thing us talking about, just using this to slow down, to be clear what we haven't yet done is distinguished several different classes. both cutting ou our initial but once we cut emissions than we can use these carver engineering to draw down. that's a slower process. until conditions are zero that is effectively should be judged by cutting emissions -- not quite right. so the technology should be, but in any case, one benefit conceivably of going forward is it allows you t