almost immediately parties announced their desire to join the new right-wing alliance... of the perenean peninsulauese with a self-explanatory name is enough and spanish vox. later, the group was joined by the right-wingers from the dutch freedom party, who took in the european parliament elections, second place with six seats. active negotiations are underway with the french national association, the financial times writes, citing sources. most likely, leader marine lepin will announce joining the alliance after winning the second round of parliamentary elections in the fifth republic itself. in the near future , the italian agency ansa will join the new faction, and then, what is noteworthy, the leader of the right-wing party league of the north and at the same time, the deputy prime minister of italy risks ending up, at least within the walls the european parliament in some opposition to its direct boss, the head of the italian cabinet, george meloni. she herself, being the leader of the european conservatives and reformists faction, might be glad to be among the patriots of europe, but there i