perhaps you will need to buy a convector or some kind of radiator, a fireplace in kherson says peresylenka they had individual heating at home, so they paid a moderate amount for utilities in prykarpattia, but the family rents housing with centralized heating services, so the prices for utilities will be higher however, the woman's rent is compensated by the work, they compensate us from the company, so we thank them, there are organizations that gave us blankets. i think we will not freeze in ivano-frankivsk. thank you for these pillows and bedding is all that we have at this stage, we should be warm, meanwhile, in ivano-frankivsk they are preparing for the cold season, if the enemy does not destroy the heating networks in the regions, then the cold season will be able to survive the winter at least in the west and in the center of the country. without any particular problems in the city for in advance of this, the experts bought all the necessary equipment these days in the carpathian region warm weather is forecast from 13 to 20°, above zero from the carpathian ivan haruk ihor gursky es