order your perfecter fusion styler right now! or go online now. [♪...] [applause] >> so ladies, we've been talking about how the perfecter actually is something that you can use in place of four of your traditional styling tools. and we're going to take a look right now as maria puts those traditional tools to the test and utilizes the perfecter to give you those salon-styled results. maria? >> exactly. so, i actually have the four tools right here. >> o.k. >> and i do, i want to show you. you know, first, your blow dryer and your round brush. every time you go to the salon, i know we tell you, "oh, just round brush it, just blow dry and round brush it," but do you know how difficult that is? >> oh, it is. >> i mean, even for myself. look at how high i have to go with her hair. how i have two hands and two instruments. >> mm-hmm. >> that's difficult, right? >> well, and it takes forever too. i don't know about anybody else out there, but with a head of hair like mine and veronica and louann, that could take upwards of 30 to 45 mi