. >> finally bob dylan fans have to sweat it out if they want to see the music legend perfm in san francisco. >> playing one of his most intimate sho in years just for 2200 people. >> every ticket still available but to get one youave to stand in line at the concert venue and pay in cash 60 bucks per ticket. >> fans are told they can't line up until noon. a few diehds already started gathering. a long wait head. tickets don't go on sale until 5:30. >> din lanes says it keeps fans from having to pay any ticket surcharge. gotta bring wter bottles with them while they wait. >> you have a big function in liverme this weekend. >> i do. >> family sunday. >> i hope you raise a lot of money and it will be probably the mid to upper 70s. >> (speaking in international langge) and he said unto them go ye into all of the world and preach the gospel preach the gospel ♪ every creature in the world. (applause)