my question of the week: which country is named for an element on the periodic table? ook of the week is also a film, "roma." it is a fascinating portrait of a family in mexico revealing all kinds of complicated and social dynamics. it starts out slow, but give it a chance. you will end up being deeply moved. >>> and now for the last look. on thursday nicolas madura was sworn in as prime minister to build socialism in the 20th century. the first inauguration took place in the national assembly, but that body has now been moved by opponents so he moved the ceremony to the first court. that was widely attended by leaders as far away as iran. people in the united states have deemed the regime to be illegitimate. the mismanaged economy is now totally freefall. it accounts for 90% of venezuela's exports, so as the food export collapsed, so did the financial rates. inflation went up 1,320,000 percent in one year. nearly 90% of the country's citizens live in poverty and the average venezuelan lost 20 pounds last year. all of this has led to a stampede. nearly 3 million venezue