periscope pickens a mast which are used to be us quite a coup members to do prayer and also a persistent spawn so. the nephew chiefs staff has confirmed dead the status of dismissing submarine has now changed from stop me to sub some so it's indicating that there is no hope for. rescue operation to find any survivors left into submarine rides and now officially declared as son committed they give any indication of what might have happened to the vessel why why it ended up in the state so that if he chief of staff has also confirmed that. the cause of this missing someone is not related to an explosion he said that it's related to a crack that. gradually from the moment is how marine sound you know the waters of so it's related to a crack not to be an explosion explosion if it's related to an explosion so. said that it must be heard to a sonar and that has been deployed by the military and all other action scenes in indonesia in order to search the missing submarine so the point is it's not related to an explosion but it's related to a cracks all right with this story has captured the nat