p the message ... one... marylandd lawmaker .../ is....sending.../ to annapolis...///..áámyrandaáá stephens.../ on... a bill.../ ááthatáá...// could... put a stop.../ to... perksore mayor sheila dixon became the subject of protest and debate in 2010... when she was convicted on charges sse stole gift cards from needyy children... but still got to year pension... for life. nats of jack johnson??but dixon isn't alone. in 2011... former prince george's county executive jack johnson got a fat pension check....even though he was convicted on corruption chhrges. 24:37 what sheila dixon 41butt butt butt 24:48 people realize this iss happening and it's got to stop 52under current law... maryland public officials are supposed to lose their pension pnd benefits.... ii convicttd of a crime while in office.but anne arundel county delegate, ron george, says there's a glitchh n the law. 24:04 the glitch is that all you havv to do if you're if you know you're going to be convicted is resign, even the day before and then you're no longer in office ann then you get to keeppyour pensions 133georre now hopes to close the loophole... through new legislation he introduced today. m