like 3-year-old perlina who watched her mom die in an ambulance. >> that was anne thompson reporting. so rain is coming? >> yes, indeed. nice weather right now. but rain drops are on the way. here's what you can expect. it could be briefly heavy. enthat very strong wind will stick with us tomorrow through thursday. the weekend looks amazing. >> always got a nice closer for us. be sure to tune in at 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. we'll see you tomorrow morning. have a terrific day. [knock at door] >> kristen: eve larson. hi. i'm kristen dimera. >> eve: i know who you are. why are you here? >> kristen: well, i thought we should get to know each other better. [keys clacking] >> theresa: hey, anne. wait. before you say anything, there's a reason that i'm late. >> anne: isn't there always? >> theresa: brady and i are back together. >> anne: oh, could you say that once more with some feeling? >> theresa: well, we slept together. i mean, that's got to mean something, right? >> anne: oh. >> theresa: i mean, okay, he left before we were actually able to-- >> anne: that's because he's in with his