my friend sandy perlman, my great friend of, like almost half a century who passed away when i was writingim and then he passed away and right after that, i was at some art function and there was keanu reeves and firstly, i went up to him and told him about -- you know, it's like i see somebody like that, you know, and i'm like chris farley, i just go bounding up there. [ laughter ] really, i'm so like him in a a way, but - >> jimmy: did he freak out >> no, he was really nice. >> jimmy: yeah, he's cool. >> he's a really nice fella. so, we got our picture taken and i thought, "oh, i'm going to put the picture on my instagram. maybe people will like it and i'll do it for sandy and it got like 80,000 people or something, which back then when early days of my instagram was a real lot >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] >> and i thought this guy is really popular [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, keanu re pretty popular [ applause ] >> and the next thing i know, he does -- he does this movie -- this "john wick" movie. >> jimmy: yes. >> and he's popping up everywhere, like rabbits breeding everywhere i look