so the option the government has chosen would be to create an artificial perm ma frost and creating al of ice. >> and you work for the nuclear energy trade group. what is your take on the viability of this? >> well, the first point to make is the governments and the nra, and the industry minister have all made it quite clear that there is no pollution after two and a half years of the ocean adjacent to the plant. so that raises some questions about how necessary this ice wall is. secondly, the figures you quoted earlier are fantastic. they have been in the media, i agree, but they have not been from tepco or the nra. the leakage in that large water treatment plant is present, but it is minor and it has no effect outside of the immediate site area. >> i want to get to professor dewitt, but first ed limon, we're talking about contaminated water that is leaking out. is the number appropriate. >> 300 metric tons a day is believed to be [ inaudible ] but most of that is ground water that is flowing under the plant. there was a leak of about 300 tons last week. >> and why is that significan