but in the state of pernambuco in brazil, five talented and committed women are forging new paths. reporter: the juntas have arrived. of film and d music producucer l rvergolino, r robeyoncÉ l lima,e firsrstrans lawyer in the region, rereet selr jojÔ calvacanti, literature stude jojoelma carla, , and elementy schoolol teacher kaÁtia cunha.a. the righght to run colollectiy for polititical office i is nen brazil. the five metet each otr r doig grasassroots politicical work. only one of f them can physicay occupy the seat, of course. they agreed d that jÔ calalvaci would do that. but t juntas sharere everything else, frfrom thealary y to the polilitical projects involved. carol:l: we were allll memberf the socialalism and libeberty p, and hahad all consididered rung individualallyor office. bubut in the endnd, we had thehe revolutitionary idea t to band togethther. repoporter: the jujuntas wanto show that while lilicymang iss tritioionally top-downwn, it jÔ: lo of people sayhey're sick of litics ausual, a that w. th don't fl like participing. but t litics res our les.. if yououet on t