pernilla jayapal is chair of the progressive caucus. they've been arguing that not only should the democrats not cut those tens of millions out of the covid relief bill, she and her caucus have really led the way to fight for the covid relief bill to also raise the minimum wage, a hike in the federal minimum wage for the first time in 12 years. that would give us -- that would give 27 million americans a permanent raise. joining us now is congresswoman pernilla jayapal from the great state of washington, chair of the progressive caucus. congresswoman jayapal, thank you for joining us tonight. it is great to see you. >> it is great to be with you, rachel. >> let me ask you first at a personal level if you don't mind, i know you have been contending with covid. i wanted to ask how you are and how your family is. >> thank you so much for asking. i am almost 100% and my husband is almost 100%, and i just -- my heart goes out to people across this country, 450,000 who have died and people who are dealing with it because the effects do go on.