wife time travel and romance for women based on a book has great to meet adams to attractive actors perrault has this raunchy are ready, you for young males call the goods the part by heart used car salesman does not the most popular topic for a movie but that said you have cash for clunkers so the cachet here is that welfare role as an end to guys from handover but then you have disney isn't an immediate japanese movie that depict the but this one is not on the part of the normal disney is not a picks are film. in summit entertainment has a pg wholesomeness before i can slam and they have an actress from high-school musical three but also in marketing the that they're going to show new footage for the latest best opening in november under the radar sci-fi movie district 9 from sony. this has the most upside. it had been on the radar but is becoming more on the radar is getting close and the timing of this couldn't be better for sony where did this movie come from? the district 9 there has been a mystery surrounding his and mr. reed played to the strength. that's been a key component in this