from a software persepective, i think it's early days. great products become great after iteration.just getting started. emily: is it something you could see yourself wearing everyday? tony: i could wear something like that everyday, i just won't charge it every day. emily: ok, so they need to work on battery life? tony: i think everybody needs to work on battery life. emily: you volunteered to take on fixing the google glass. tony: yes, i did. ♪ emily: so, you volunteered to take on fixing this, google glass. tony: yes, i did. emily: why? tony: why not? no, seriously. look at things we wear on our heads today. we wear glasses, you wear earrings, other people wear earrings. we, we put on headphones. to think that all of a sudden emily: so, you volunteered to take on fixing this, google glass. tony: yes, i did. emily: why? tony: why not? no, seriously. look at things we wear on our heads today. we wear glasses, you wear earrings, other people wear earrings. we, we put on headphones. to think that all of a sudden that nothing on our heads is all of a sudden becomes inbued with conduct