. -- pershing avenue. [laughter] the most german county in missouri, we have a small town sdam, renamed pershing. i plotted this map and then i looked at what i just plotted. what do i see? do all the accusations just happen where the germans are living? the violence -- does violence simply happen were all germans are living? not necessarily. in callaway county, we have an incident of kissing -- flag kissing. ann in jackson county, american-born. it does not necessarily correlate. there's a bit of concentration where the germans are living, but it was not convincing enough that there is a direct correlation to twin accusations, violations, and where german-americans are living. i was asking you questions. what does it mean to be loyal? who defines the loyalty? who enforces the loyalty? once i began to realize, wait a minute, this is at the local people, i began to look away from the federal government. the new truth revealed itself to me. yes, we have the federal law. who is enforcing those federal laws? i