. >> the all star mvp and a face of the chan chiz went from hero to persona nongrata. bonl player, luggage separated from the team until five games into the playoffs. >> this is rumored that there was a rumor about this and he denied this. and not anymore. now, he has set that it is. >> what do you tell your son about this? >> well, it's not a good thing. and we enjoy him. >> you look like you're ready to cry. >> yeah. i am ready to cry. >> and you might wonder where the people in the stands have gone. according to more than one emmoiy it appears that they were also employees of the giants to stir enthusiasm for that player. >> and this is a shame. the giants said, quote, we were extremely disappointed and support major league baseball policy. and efforts to remove performance-enhacing drugs from the game. cabrerra is the second giants player to receive this suspension this season. this pitcher was penalized for 100 games in may, so high because the second time he had tested positive. and in 2006 he played for mets two. other players have been suspended including infie