you know, i made myself persona nongrata at command for digging into this for five years or so.y've dent look on't like to e the i have to base a lot of reporting on freedom of information act requests getting ahold of documents paying close attention to, to congressional testimony. and things like that. if you -- if you look at what is out there, you can get the broad outlines. the u.s. military has done a good job of keeping this under wraps. >> why are you stow doggo doggel back this onion. what is at stake for the country? our democracy that emboldens you so to keep digging? >> well, i think it is dangerous to have, u.s. forces spread across a continent of more than 50 nations. you know, operating without, any kind of -- you know, stringent oversight. we have seen what happened in -- in, in, niger. to our forces. but, you know, this year, i reported on a, a u.s. base in or base in cameroon that the united states uses. local cameroonian forces their base. there is what i found. researchers from amnesty international as well. rampant torture going on in the space. this was und