they have been personaleded ed you can't. they have been personaleded ed you can't. they have been personaleded ed you can't. they have been personaleded ed purged from the party. there's no pro-life democrats left. nope. she's not an elected official. think about it. so let's ask mrs. clinton and people on the left. what's it mean to be pro-choice? i'm curious. what's it mean. does it mean abortion any time, anyone, anywhere? taxpayer funded abortion? half billion dollars planned parenthood gets and support's one party's candidates and does no mammograms? how about partial birth seven, eight, and nine month abortions. what about the halfway point? what about sex selection abortion? we need a two-way conversation on abortion, and that should be this year. the gender card will be played. idea of a female president, i think that's terrific. wait for them, they are ages 10, 7, and 5. a female president is terrific but the question, ladies and gentlemen, is not do you want a woman to be president, but do you want that woman to be president? [ applause ] she's not a hypot