were made in thehe commissision on humanan rs in 191979 to establish a working group on disappeared persononsbut this was bblocked by argentina and othehers. now it was a year later that this initiative e was successfu, and so the e working groupp was established in 1980. rather late, but better late than never. mccarthy: it happened in el salvador and guatemala, indonesia, in ththe philippipin. we covered 15 countries in our first r report. the next year, by 1981 and 1982, we could list many people whose lives s had been saved becauause we were able to get aa cable to the government telling them that we had information that this person has been kidnapped, and they needed to release himim. and that hadad worked and still works today for many, many people. ramcharan: he was by far the greatest human rights leader the u u.n. has ever had. that's what i would say. van boven: i've always felt that our primary duty is towards the peoples in whose name the united nations charter was written. and i haveve maintained that whenever necessary, we must speak out on matters of principle regardless of who