to some persooal data. &pdata. "global payments,...ry 21st.../ and... february 25th... of this year.card holders... are now being asked... to keep.. .a... close eye... on their... statements. 3 mustached americans took to the streets sunday... for thh "million mustache march". march"""it's hairr it's hair, get used to it! all men are created equal... but some are endowed by their creator with the ability to create totally awesome lip sseaters." &psweaterr." 2-hhndred stache supporters the white house... to support legislation that would provide a 2-hundree-50-dollar annuaa grooming supplies for those with ustaches. perlut says: "beeause actually providing a ervice to this country by improving good looks by 38%. but that service omes at a cost in the forms of the aaccutrements we need to maintain our sexually dynamicclifestyles." lifestyles."the legislation named the "stache act"... is an acronnm for "stimulus to allow critical hhir expenses." you.... this one big parody off washington. joe biden's at ii again.... putting his foot in hi