in the perssan gulf, he navy dropped from two aircraft carriers to one. sayssmooe cutt are coming. "we will not be able to responddin tteewayy hh 33 depended."but somm are -3 wondering if there aae less - frightening alternativvs. representttive duncan unter says the ppntagon could cut theenavy's xpeeimental "green army systemminstead of deployments that affect nattonal securitt."theee's no 3 national parks. officials are warning anyone planning a &pfamily trippto yellowssone or -3pyossmite: expect shorter hours ann"...possibly closed & ccmpgrounds."theeparkk service & could lose more than 100 3 some critics say almosttaay organizaaioo can survive a - ffve perccnt budget -3 fact here's a umber for you: one ttillion-dollars. thaa was & the federal governmenns diicretionary spending n cuts go through theyyre still 150-billion doolars more piscretiooary spenning this year aad thht'' why you gett crittcs thaa say look, ssx & years ago, kkds got school llnchee, we went throuuh -3 airport security, there was a - were pen hy can't the with more money tha