macbeth is known to have lived in scotland in perthshire nearly a thousand years ago. no one knows for sure exactly where, but dunsinane is the most likely spot. let's see. we'll watch this thing. i've heard that name so often, but i've never actually seen an image of it. the historian justin champion has gone there. champion: ethan, i'm in scotland, and as you'll know from the play, behind me here is dunsinane hill, somewhere that's connected very much with macbeth. macbeth of course was a real figure and very closely associated with this area. so if i turn and let you have a look, over there is dunsinane hill. it's exactly like i pictured it. champion: so i'm right to the top of dunsinane hill now, which is a pretty dramatic sort of panorama and this is the site of a fortress we know from archeological records. it wasn't a castle. they didn't have castles a thousand years ago but the top of this would have been fortified. this would have been an absolutely almost impregnable defensive point. from the top here, we can see right over to the north sea we can look that w