components are easier to swap out, they're easier to access, so it's a less maintenance perunit vehicle than we've had in the past, so some of the savings, we've accounted for there. so that's the yes part of the answer. i think as -- as, you know, on kind of the inside business process side, and that's why we did have -- want to keep that? the strategic plan. there might be ways to make things more efficient. we're hoping as the new financial system, for example, fully comes on-line, some of the things that previously were paper processes will be automated and that can free up resources. the no side of that is until we get to, you know, an autonomous future, and maybe someday if we're lucky, we'll have an autonomous transportation director, it's a labor heavy project. you need not just the operator, but you need the people who are maintaining the vehicles, who are cleaning the vehicles, who are surprising and training the front-line staff who are collecting the revenue, so some of those eventually going cashless would be another technological advance that could be revenue saving. i'd s