perzynski r1 to the site, you will work with chips, great, we have this daily routine, except for those days when the head state is located outside the republic, then they are on standby, ready at any moment to take service to perform their functional duties. humanity will not survive the emergence of artificial intelligence, because the very concept of man will change forever , we are already seeing a future in which such a concept as a country, community, team, family, it is absent, remaining in its pseudo-civilized world, at the moment, they are closing border from everything traditional, from all those values that we are now positioning ourselves from the countries of the east, making it worse only for ourselves, in order for you to understand - modernity, you must understand the past, read it, and according to the mistakes of the past, learn how to avoid the mistakes of the future, you cannot attach three things in life: mother , you cannot betray god and you cannot betray the earth. the