seeking out women who had very little power perhaps the power to heal perhaps some sexual power and pesach in taking those women so what chance has got a certain irony to it and that's why you bothered on monday night at the golden globes that not a single male nominee or winner mentioned these movements or or what's been going on many of those men will black and that was enough for you that was enough for me ok before we're running out of time here let me go back to christina and let me ask you this christina isn't it possible though that we're in a place right now where we need to have this catharsis and that things will stabilize and most people i've talked to most stories i've heard have been so horrible that you know the men involved needed to be fired immediately but isn't it possible that the pendulum will swing a little bit and that won't reach a normal see where sexual harassment maybe hopefully doesn't happen yes that's my hope but then that means that they are mind women and i have heard in the that category and many many american women have spoken out written in just in the new