carbo-loading. ( loud munching ) "famine, pestilence, war..." war. i like it. when did you become a republican? susie's been encouraging me to invent something that will truly benefit mankind. and what are you doing after lunch? i can't decide whether to wipe out disease or hunger... or maybe take a bite out of crime. ( phone ringing ) hello. this is she. that's great! thank you! harvey and i just won the cutest couple contest for the westbridge brochure. that's nice, sweetie. you must be so excited. oh, it's no big deal. i'm just doing my part to help the community. oh! speaking of helping susie will be here soon. m the best. oh, yes... kate moss, eat your heart out. oh, that's right-- you don't eat. i... can't... make it. salem, a few words of encouragement, please? ( snoring ) didn't work. i'm stopping. do not quit. you can do it. maybe i can. workout complete. you're a winner. you're a winner. was someone complimenting i've got to get going. cousin susie will be here any minute. see you later, big guy. excellent workout. you are a lovely lady. i like this m