here to weigh in is pete cashel.y, there are so many things wrong with this on so many levels, but maybe i'm not seeing it right. what i didn't realize is that the invisible girlfriend came first and was successful. >> that's right, successful enough to greet us. that happened. [laughter] tracy: let's talk about what this is. the invisible boyfriend for a monthly fee. >> 25 dollars per month. you get evidence of a significant other, 10 phone calls, they will even send you a real handwritten postcard from somewhere. tracy: no one sends postcards anywhere you can get one from rio. [laughter] tracy: who is sending these texts? >> real humans. it's employing people to actually send the text back to the people who subscribe to the service. so it's going to be a little bit more natural than this robot responds, more convincing for your family member or your high school class, whoever you're trying to fool. >> there is clearly a clearly a demand. everyone has lied about having a significant other at some point in most peopl