. -- pete patchell. it is not the full on consumer launch, but now anyone can buy them. >> i think this part of what they continued -- started last month with having it available for one day. up until now the main people with glass have been marketers, people who have the big interest in self or motion. i think google really wants more regular people, people who want pictures of their kids and share them and help word of mouth for the product in that way. are wearing glass, i am wearing glasses and has cool features but i did not find myself reaching for it all the time. it is like a new habit that has to be developed. it is funny, i was wearing glass once and asked someone for the time and they looked at me like you are wearing google glass and do not know the time. there is a habit you need to get into. once you do, it does have a lot to offer, particularly when you want to take autographs and share them quickly. instagram apps come, will probably happen at some point although nothing has been announce