peter. and i want to start by thanking democracy journal and albert ventura who's here representing for having believed me when i told them this arcane subject would be interesting and important. and also just to recognize the amount of work new america has done on what it is that's being done in our name under the aumf. and really, peter, without the work you and your colleaguings have done, it would be much, much harder to have any conversation about this subject at all. so why would you all come here, and why would we have a conversation today talking about this obscure, acronymed law? after all, this week the president is going to make a much-anticipated statement about surveillance reform which has been the hot topic in counterterrorism and associated activities. we haven't talked so much about this issue. and, indeed, the three of us were just thinking we can't remember a panel on this subject having been held in at least six months. so why are you here, why does this matter, why is this a set of acronyms that we have to know something about? the answer i want to give to that and the ans