border games by peter andre is. timothy dunn wrote about the militarization of the border. from the 70s to the mid-1990s. there is a lot of books. i think this one is looking at a post-9/11, looking at this kind of rapid expansion, looking at different civil liberties issues and i would like to think that it's you know, it covers new ground but it's definitely on the shoulders of giants as they say. all this great work that's been done around border stuff for years and years and years. >> my other question is has there have been any interest among legislators in your book, in the issues that it has raised specifically from your work? >> beto o'rourke is from el paso. i mean i don't know but i know beto o'rourke he is a congressperson based in el paso, texas and i believe he is pretty interested in it and we have had some back-and-forth. he is a u.s. congressperson. i know it has reached his year now his desk or his ears and i imagine because he actually communicates with me about it, i imagine that hopefully, hopefully it's been seen by other congresspeople as well. >> none