peter binet wrote about this in his book at great length. and i know is a controversial book, even at this table. but i on this point i really agree with him. i think you see my orthodox brothers and sis ferrs, and i have relatives in that community, are much more in its israel right or wrong camp which is not this bock. but a lot of my brothers and sister, especially younger people and their children, their interest in israel is not what it was in prior generations, in fact some of them look at it with a measure of embarrassment which i think is tragic. and a symptom of the cancer of occupation. it's hard to feel something, close to something, deeply close to something that is as morally questionable an flawed as this as much as you might want to think otherwise you only have two great jewish communities left in the world, this one here and israel. combined it is about 80%. the american jewish community is more universallistic, more a simmistic, detriballized. israel and maybe ari will contradict this, israel seems to be more tribal, more r