we -- we did a film with peter bogdonovich. we did super bowl halftime.sary tour. we put out a seven record live box set. we haven't been sitting around. we got into the studio with this one, had a ball. it's -- this album is really who we've grown into being. it's more blues-based album. i've always had a great love for the blues. and we are very proud of it. i hope people get to hear it. >> yeah. when you stay out of the studio that long, what happens when you go back inside? i asked that about the back drop. to my ear, at least, i'm a music lover, and to my ear the music business can change with the speed of light. it can climate change with t-- change with the speed of sound. it's fascinating because when somebody comes out with a sound that hits, every record label wants to emulate or copy that sound. once that's played, they move on to something else. it changes quickly sometimes. when you stay out for eight years, you go back in, the experience is like what? >> it was a heavenly experience. i mean, we -- we're not caught up in the music of the mome