and we're back with peter brad mont engineer robotics peter there is this other thing that fascinates me and that's a granted reality when you put like google glasses on you see everything in three d. or forty while there i will be time i worry just like laying on your college when you put on your glasses and all of a sudden you're in your office and that's how you can work all day. absolutely. part of what i do in vision and robotic vision is the off side of that which is the augmented reality that you talk of the two sides of the one point and it would be very easy to put on your goggles or just stand in your virtual world and you can be somewhere else he doesn't even have to be in your office you can be working in any environment in a different part of the world in different parts of the universe how long till that happens i have a problem getting up in the morning. that take. your i think you could probably do it in the next few years you could do it very effectively this technology is that this is right on the cutting edge of technologies right now is these developments on the da