. >> i'd like to welcome our first presenters, peter bradstou and jen from the department of environment. >> sorry about that. i'm from environment and jen jackson had to go. she had another engagement given the break for the alarm. and so thanks for calling this hearing. this is obviously a really important topic. just briefly, who i am about the department of environment. i'm a coordinator at the department providing staff support to the urban council and our department, as you know, provides a role of convener for many of the city departments and, of course, you'll hear about the on-the-ground work later. the one place in the code where there's an actual definition of the term urban forest, trees on streets and public rights of way and the jurisdiction of the department of public works. and so, this is important because, actually, this part of the urban forest was subject of phase one of the urban forest master plan, which was pas passa few years ago. but thinking more broadly, if you look at the environment code, actually, which created the urban forestry council, that ordinance sets