peaceful affair but this year is different because of the participation of nestle's chairman peter brubakerembers of the swiss workers' union say that nestle itself violates human rights and has no place in such a forum. people have to buy expensive bottled water but poor people cannot afford it this is not a body human rights. have to face the main thing is to simply say the border is a human right is perhaps not enough in reality it is not a matter of whether water is a human right because quite clearly it is it's more a question of how we can implement the human rights. we shouldn't reflects so much from whether water is a human right but rather reflect on how to ensure permanent access to water in daily life. that says there are also a few other basic problems which need solving. the most important point without question the more must be invested in. water infrastructure. and secondly there should be no subsidies for the owners of swimming pools and golf courses and for biofuels produced from plants cultivated specifically for this purpose. but there should be subsidies for water for th