at the time he's played by peter capoldi he's basically become very, very embittered and you know, feelingsf failure and desolation. and what's interesting about the film is, i think that terrence davis has found in the life of siegfried sassoon a number of elements that chime with his own preconceptions. there is a story about a character who is conflicted about his sexuality and that is something in which terrence davis has addressed indirectly in his films before. there's the issue of religion. siegfried converted to catholicism later in life and terrence davies kind of famously. turned his back on the church after feeling abandoned by it. and so what you have is an artist, a poet of the cinema making a film about a poet whose life encompasses and social changes but at the centre of it it is a really kind of heartbreaking story about somebody who can't be who they are, isn't sure who they are, isn't certain that the art they are making is actually as good as it ought to be and seems to be trapped in a situation when they want to change the world, they want to change themselves and they a