joining us to discuss the biggest themes emerging from the black hat conference, peter chan, who spokeconference. black hat now, defcon next week. peter: right now. what are the big themes coming out of this conference? peter: the 15,000 that there are, it's like "the hunger games" of hacking. there were chaos, competition, surreptitious -- any two miles radius, you stood the chance of being a target but there were business focused themes and industry players going there to collaborate and learn because it's important for business to learn what is the context of my cyber risk, i need to understand how that will impact my business instead of the tech itself. you had tech, artificial intelligence, mobile, car hacking. this year in particular i saw more leather shoes and suits than i ever saw before. emily: all right. so, you started your career as a federal agent and worked your way up. i'm curious what you think are the biggest risks out there right new on the cyber battlefield? peter: i think it's a changing landscape of where enterprises are going from an i.p. platform. we're going in