as peter clarke terms it, you may encounter unexpected "potholes." peter clarke: well, the first pothole is being able to communicate effectively with a physician. we were in the examining room with an older woman who was coming to her physician for a routine post-adjuvant chemotherapy session. and she came in in a bright green jumpsuit, and she was vivacious and energetic, and her physician asked what she'd been doing. she said well, you know, i've just come from my jazzercise class. and he exploded in indignation that she, in her physical condition would do jazzercise. well, she fled the examination in tears and, as we learned, never again visited the physician. and, a number of months later, finally succumbed to her condition. that's such a pointless and needless... expression of deference to a physician, rather than standing your ground and saying, "this is why i'm doing this. this is keeping me alive emotiolly. this is providing the energy that i need to continue my life." barbara korsch: everett koop has made statements that 90% of the errors i