it's been an honor working with peter daly and port staff updating the rules and regulations and we really think this will help in the long run making sure that the harbor runs well. i would like to take the time to introduce linda green. she's our office manager down at south beach. she will get everything prepared and signed with the tenants so it's a pleasure to meet you all and thank you for your time and peter daly and i will not hesitate to answer any questions that you have. thank you. >> thank you. congratulations and welcome. >> that concludes our report. >> thank you. >> thank you. public comment? seeing none. public comment is now closed commissioner woo ho. >> i recall in 2012 when we first took over the marina and i guess the reaction to some of the actions that we took at that time. i still remember we had 41 public speaking cards at three minutes each so if you recall -- >> [inaudible] [laughter] >> i counted them up that day. i was president of the commission. i just want to say the fact there is zero public comment on what we have done thus far and that we have a new harbo